Масс-спектрометрическая оценка уровня включения дейтерия и углерода-13 в молекулы аминокислот бактериальных объектов

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M. V. Lomonosov State Academy of Fine Chemical Technology, Moscow, 117571

The high-sensitive method of electron impact mass-spectroscopy was employed for evaluation of 2H and 13C enrichment levels of secreted amino acids of methylotrophic bacteria Brevibacterium methylicum and Methylobacillus flagellatum, and amino acid resigues of total protein obtained from media contaning as a sourse of stable isotopes (2H)methanol, (13C)methanol and 2H2O. The incorporation of L-[2,3,4,5,6-2Н]phenylalanine, L-[3,5-2Н]tyrosine and L-[2,4,5,6,7-2Н]tryptopan in bacteriorhodopsin synthesised in membrane of halophilic bacterium Halobacterium halobium ET 1001 was also made. For mass-spectrometric analysis the multicomponential mixures of amino acids, derived from cultural media and protein hydrolysates after hydrolysis in 6 M 2HСl (3% phenol) and 2 M Ва(OH)2 were modified to N-benzyloxycarbonyl-derivatives of amino acids as well in methyl esters of N-dansyl-derivatives of amino acids which were preparative separated using a method of reverse-phase high column liquid chromatography (HCLP). [2H]- and [13C]amino acids obtained represented the mixures differing in quantities of isotopes incorporated into molecule. The levels of 2H and 13С enrichment of secreted amino acids and amino acid resigues of protein were found to vary from 10% to L-leucine/isoleucine up to 97.5% for L-alanine depending on concentration of labelled substrates.

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